Printing and Sizing

Hi Jay. I’m new to Guitar Scientist. I’ve created my first set of diagrams and want to export and print (Windows 11 if this is relevant). When trying to print though the diagrams print really small presumably to ensure they fit on a single page. However, they are so small as to be unreadable. How do I control how much gets printed on a single page/size? Thank you.

Hi, @Clint_Tankerlsey not sure if this will help, but maybe use 4 fretboards per page, in landscape mode? Before descovering this awesome website I used to print my own diagrams done in photoshop and saw that 4 fretboards/page is the optimum size. From guitarscientist you can download your diagram as a png file and then print it

Thanks for the input. After trying a few approaches, I came to basically the same conclusion.